About Physiotherapy

Listen | Assess | Treat

Physiotherapy and Physical Activity is the best form of Treatment

Physiotherapy is a ‘hands on’ manual therapy and one of the best proven approaches for the treatment of joints, muscles, nerves and ligaments. Physiotherapy is science based, performed by HPC registered professionals. It uses a physical approach, to restore, promote and maintain physical, psychological and social well being.

This approach helps to give a more complete assessment and ultimately a more effective treament.


How Can Physiotherapy Help?

Can help relieve aches and pains in all joints and muscles.

Can help reduce and relieve back pain through manual therapy and exercise.

Can help assess and give important postural advice to children and adults.

Can give advice on working conditions in industry and ergonomics and help reduce staff sick leave.

Can give Post-Natal exercises and advice.

Can give vital treatment and advice to individual athletes and teams on sports injuries and injury prevention.

Can give advice on exercising more effectively and prevent reoccurrence of injury.

What Benefits can be Expected?

Physiotherapy brings relief to all people of all ages by helping to reduce pain.

Get In Touch

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding your injury or would like to book an appointment.